title: Editions matrix section: guide-extensions version: ‘2.5’


This table presents the list of extensions provided by the various editions of the Restlet Framework.

The core module including both the Restlet API and the Restlet Engine is shipped by all editions.

Extensions availability

Extensions [Android](/documentation/user-guide//editions/android/overview “Android”) GAE GWT JEE JSE OSGi Description
org.restlet.ext.atom   Support for the Atom syndication and the AtomPub (Atom Publication Protocol) standards in their 1.0 version.
org.restlet.ext.crypto   Support for cryptography.
org.restlet.ext.fileupload     Integration with Apache FileUpload.
org.restlet.ext.freemarker     Integration with FreeMarker.
org.restlet.ext.gae           Integration to the Google App Engine UserService for the GAE edition.
org.restlet.ext.gson   Support for GSON representations.
org.restlet.ext.guice       Integration with Google Guice.
org.restlet.ext.gwt     Server-side integration with GWT.
org.restlet.ext.html   Support for the HTML (HyperText Markup Language) standard in its 4.0 version and above.
org.restlet.ext.httpclient     Integration with Apache Commons HTTP Client.
org.restlet.ext.jaas   Support for JAAS based security.
org.restlet.ext.jackson   Integration with Jackson.
org.restlet.ext.jaxb     Integration with Java XML Binding.
[org.restlet.ext.jetty](/documentation/user-guide//extensions/jetty “jetty”)         Integration with Jetty.
org.restlet.ext.json Support for JSON representations.
[org.restlet.ext.odata](/documentation/user-guide//extensions/odata/overview “odata”)   Integration with OData services.
org.restlet.ext.osgi           Support for the OSGi specification.
org.restlet.ext.rdf   Support for the RDF parsing and generation.
org.restlet.ext.servlet       Integration with Servlet API.
org.restlet.ext.slf4j       Support for the SLF4J logging bridge.
[org.restlet.ext.spring](/documentation/user-guide//extensions/spring/overview “spring”)     Integration with Spring Framework.
org.restlet.ext.swagger     Integration with Swagger.
org.restlet.ext.thymeleaf   Integration with Thymeleaf.
org.restlet.ext.velocity     Integration with Apache Velocity.

feature. org.restlet.ext.xml|||||||Support for the XML documents.