
This page gives some information to help you obtain an ECCN (Export Control Classification Number) for your Restlet based application.

What are aware of several organizations that attempted to obtain such a number for their Restlet-based application but we don’t think that there is a single ECCN for Restlet. Depending on the actual Restlet extensions that you are using and redistributing, this classification could change.

In order to help you find your ECCN, we try to answer the typical questions related to the classification process.


Does Restlet include any encryption technology?

The Restlet Framework has a cryptographic extension (org.restlet.ext.crypto.jar file) that includes all cryptographic related features. It is based on regular Java Cryptography APIs (javax.crypto) and used for authentication purpose only (so far): 

 In addition, we can take advantage of SSL/HTTPS features to encrypt communications.

1) package

This is the generic security API for Restlet dealing with authentication and authorization. It doesn’t contain actual implementations for specific schemes.

However, pluggable authenticator helpers can be registered in the Restlet engine, such as these ones in the crypto extension (note the “internal” packages are hidden from public Javadocs).

2) package

This package contains one class for HTTP Basic support, not really encryption related. This was removed in version 2.1 and the HttpBasicHelper was moved into

3) package

This package contains SSL related classes, but only in version 2.0. In version 2.1 those classes were moved to the org.restlet.ext.ssl extension:

What encryption algorithms and key lengths are used?

When we encrypt authentication data in a cookie, we give the option to change the algorithm and the secret key, see details here.

For the HTTPS support in connectors, the DefaultSslContextFactory uses :

  • Algorithm used: “TLS” (see the JSSE reference for details and RFC 2246 for TLS 1.0 specs)
  • Certificate algorithm: “SunX509”
  • Key store type: via System.getProperty(“”)
  • Key length : depends on the certificate that you configure for your HTTPS server (if any)

What its encryption function is designed for?


The purpose is authentication for the CookieAuthenticator class and data hiding for the HTTPS/SSL connectors. Note that those software components are optional, so you can still use Restlet without relying on any encryption technology.

Digital signature

No, beside the HTTP digest feature (see Content-MD5 header) supported via the and org.restlet.representation.DigesterRepresentation classes.

Software copy protection


Data hiding

The purpose is data hiding for the HTTPS/SSL connectors. Note that those software components are optional, so you can still use Restlet without relying on any encryption technology.

Are there any differences between Restlet version 2.0 and 2.1?

There are the three classes that were moved from the package related to SSL into the Crypto extension. See these two pages to compare:

Here are some precisions for version 2.0. Those two classes, do not contain or rely on any encryption algorithm:

  • SslContextFactory is an empty abstract class
  • SslUtils is only providing utility method to extract the length of the key used and parse parameters

 So, only DefaultSslContextFactory is interesting here (see source code here).

Is there both object and source code for the encryption technology?

Yes, Restlet is an open source project, and all source code is publicly available. Note that the encryption features provided rely on Java or third-party software. You should verify the eligibility of any dependency that you are using via Restlet.