Oracle XDB Restlet Adapter - FAQ

  • Where Restlet logging information goes?

Restlet framework and XMLDB Restlet Adapter uses JDK logging package, by default logging information goes to $ORACLE_BASE/diag/rdbms/$SID/$SID/trace directory. Due REST WS are started by a background process automatically controlled by Oracle database logging information is at files named $SID_snnn_pid.trc, for example:

-bash-3.2$ more test_s000_10388.trc
Trace file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_s000_10388.trc
Oracle Database 11g Release - Production
ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/
System name:    Linux
Node name:
Version:        #1 SMP Mon May 5 21:03:49 EDT 2008
Machine:        i686
Instance name: test
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
Oracle process number: 17
Unix process pid: 10388, image: (S000)

*** 2008-06-04 15:28:23.018
*** SESSION ID:(140.49) 2008-06-04 15:28:23.018
*** CLIENT ID:() 2008-06-04 15:28:23.018
*** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2008-06-04 15:28:23.018
*** MODULE NAME:() 2008-06-04 15:28:23.018
*** ACTION NAME:() 2008-06-04 15:28:23.018

jox_call_xdb_class_ c_state 0

*** 2008-06-04 15:28:23.018
jox_call_xdb_class_ argvec[0] 0 argvec[1] 0

*** 2008-06-04 15:28:23.715
UsersRestlet: init
UsersRestlet: [Restlet Engine] - The ServerServlet address = null
UsersRestlet: [Restlet Engine] - The ServerServlet port = 8080
UsersRestlet: [Restlet Engine] - The ServerServlet endpoint = 1
UsersRestlet: [Restlet Engine] - Try to load 'org.restlet.attribute.application'
parameter from '/home/'||USER||'/restlet/UsersRestlet

*** 2008-06-04 15:28:25.580
UsersRestlet: [Restlet Engine] - Try to load 'org.restlet.attribute.component' parameter from '/home/'||USER||'/restlet/UsersRestlet.xml
UsersRestlet: [Restlet Engine] - Try to load 'org.restlet.component' parameter from '/home/'||USER||'/restlet/UsersRestlet.xml

*** 2008-06-04 15:28:27.089
Jun 4, 2008 6:28:26 PM org.restlet.Connector <init>
WARNING: The connector has been instantiated without any protocol.
UsersRestlet: [Restlet Engine] - Try to load 'org.restlet.application' parameter
from '/home/'||USER||'/restlet/UsersRestlet.xml
UsersRestlet: [Restlet Engine] - Schema: RESTLET class:
RESTLET:org.restlet.example.tutorial.Part12 loader: class oracle.aurora.rdbms.

UsersRestlet: [Restlet Engine] - Try to load 'org.restlet.attribute.server'
parameter from '/home/'||USER||'/restlet/UsersRestlet.xml
UsersRestlet: [Restlet Engine] - Attaching application:
org.restlet.example.tutorial.Part12@8b9e5a01 to URI: /userapp
Jun 4, 2008 6:28:27 PM org.restlet.engine.http.HttpServerCall parseHost
INFO: Couldn't find the mandatory "Host" HTTP header.
Jun 4, 2008 6:28:27 PM org.restlet.ext.xdb.XdbServletWarClientHelper start
INFO: efective user is: ANONYMOUS

*** 2008-06-04 15:28:27.588
Jun 4, 2008 6:28:27 PM org.restlet.engine.application.LogFilter afterHandle

INFO: 2008-06-04
-       8080
/userapp/users/scott/orders/300 -
200     28
-    155
-       -
  • How many concurrent session are started by Oracle?

As mentioned in previous answer the Oracle JVM session which receives the request is automatically started by Oracle, how many concurrent sessions are started by Oracle Listener is automatically computed by Oracle and you don’t care about it. My testing shows that for heavy workload there is around 5 to 7 % of concurrent request.

  • Which is the effective Oracle user when run a REST WS?

It depends on the HTTP authorization mechanism.

REST WS which are available as anonymous access, no HTTP authorization information, runs with ANONYMOUS Oracle user and PUBLIC database role. REST WS which are authorized though HTTP header __Authorization __are executed with his effective Oracle user, for example SCOTT.

  • How to enable anonymous REST WS?

First unlock ANONYMOUS Oracle account. By default XMLDB Restlet Adapter do this command at postInstall.sql script

SQL> alter user anonymous account unlock;

Then you have to register your Restlet application into XMLDB configuration file (named /xdbconfig.xml) with this Servlet role:

<servlet xmlns="">
	<display-name>Restlet Servlet</display-name>
	<init-param xmlns="">
		<description>REST User Application</description>
	<security-role-ref xmlns="">
		<description />

Above registration can be done by a following PLSQL script executed logged as SYS:

  configxml SYS.XMLType;



  -- Modify the configuration
  -- Due this servlet provide public access, it can not load
  -- '/home/'||USER||'/restlet/UsersRestlet.xml' from XMLDB repository

  XMLType('<init-param xmlns="">



 <description>REST User Application</description>

</init-param>'),'xmlns=""') INTO
  -- Update the configuration to use the modified version
  --I got this error at this line :
  dbms_xdb.addServletSecRole(SERVNAME => 'UsersRestlet',ROLENAME =>

For more information on how to register a Servlet with anonymous access read Using Protocols to Access the Repository.

  • How can I define my Application in XdbServerServlet?

XMLDB do not accept context parameters so unlike org.restlet.ext.servlet.ServerServlet class, XdbServerServlet have two way to define org.restlet.application parameter. First option was used in previous examples, it means using __Servlet 2.2 __ tag, this is very useful for anonymous __REST__ applications. For authenticated applications there is another option which is to put an XML file at XMLDB repository using this predefined path:


for example, /home/__SCOTT__/wars/__DirectoryExample__/WEB-INF/restlet.xml where USER is the effective connected user name, for example SCOTT, and appName is the Servlet name; name argument in dbms_xdb.addServlet procedure used for registering Servlet in XMLDB, in above example is DirectoryExample.

This file look like:

         <attach uriPattern="/root/" targetClass="org.restlet.test.xdb.DirectoryApplication"/>
    <statusService enabled="true" contactEmail=""/>

Second option do not require DBA role if you want to update your application class name, for a complete explanation of restlet.xml file syntax look at Component java documentation.

  • How can I run XDB Restlet adapter behind a proxy?

If you want to use Apache mod_proxy behind Oracle XMLDB Restlet adapter for security reason or to exploit caching support follow this example configuration:

<IfModule mod_proxy.c>

    # <Proxy> - Container for directives affecting resources located in
the proxied location
    <Proxy *>
        Order deny,allow
        Allow from all
    #    Allow from
    ProxyRequests On
    ProxyVia On
    ProxyPreserveHost On
    SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1
    ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/

Above configuration, usually in /etc/httpd/modules.d/30_mod_proxy.conf, will forward all request to http://localhost:80/ to http://localhost:8080/ assuming that your Oracle listener is in the same host as Apache. If you want to configure Apache mod_cache to speed GET request which have expiration Date header, for example, follow this configuration:

<IfModule mod_cache.c>
    CacheEnable mem /userapp
    CacheEnable mem /orawsv
    CacheEnable mem /ds

This configuration will enable Apache mod_mem_cache on directories /ds /oraws and /userapp.