
Eclipse EMF is a widely used modeling technology that can unify models defined in XML Schema, UML or Java code. This extension facilitates the usage of EMF to convert between “representation beans” generated from EMF and XML/XMI/ECore representations.

For additional details, please consult the Javadocs.


This extension provides a main EmfRepresentation class that is able to both format and EObject as an XML/XMI/HTML representation and to parse an XML/XMI representation is generated back as an EObject. It comes with its EmfConverter which allows you to automatically benefit from the feature by simply adding org.restlet.ext.emf.jar in your classpath and using your EObject subclasses in resource annotated interface.

TODO - Add a simple yet comprehensive example of how to use EMF to save time to manage representations

HTML representations

In addition to XML/XMI support common for EMF model, we offer a generic HTML representation. It lists all its properties and can even generate HTML links when the proper EMF eAnnotation is detected. This is useful to be able to automatically navigate a web API whose resource  representations are defined using EMF.

In order to display EMF attributes containing URI references into proper HTML hyperlinks, you just need to add eAnnotations to your EMF ECore metamodel using the “http://restlet.org/schemas/2011/emf/html” namespace and then add an entry with the “linked” name and a “true” value.

In order to change the title of the HTML document or the name of a property, you need to use the same namespace with the “label” name and the text you want to display as a value.