jSSLutils extension


The SSL extension provides concrete implementations of the SslContextFactory that rely on jSSLutils.

For additional details, please consult the Javadocs.



The JsslutilsSslContextFactory class is a wrapper for jsslutils.sslcontext.SSLContextFactory. It has to be constructed with the instance to wrap and is therefore only suitable to be used in the context sslContextFactory attribute, not parameter. This is more likely to be used for more specialised features such as the key or trust manager wrappers of jSSLutils.


The PkixSslContextFactory class is a class that uses jsslutils.sslcontext.PKIXSSLContextFactory. It provides a way to configure the key store, the trust store (required for client-side authentication) and the server alias. As part of its trust manager configuration, it provides a way to set up certificate revocation lists (CRLs).

Example using the Component XML configuration:

<component xmlns="http://www.restlet.org/schemas/1.1/Component"

    <client protocol="FILE" />

    <server protocol="HTTPS" port="8183">
        <parameter name="sslContextFactory" value="org.restlet.ext.ssl.PkixSslContextFactory" />
        <parameter name="keystorePath" value="/path/to/keystore.p12" />
        <parameter name="keystoreType" value="PKCS12" />
        <parameter name="keystorePassword" value="testtest" />
        <parameter name="keyPassword" value="testtest" />
        <parameter name="truststorePath" value="/path/to/truststore.jks" />
        <parameter name="truststoreType" value="JKS" />
        <parameter name="truststorePassword" value="testtest" />
        <parameter name="crlUrl" value="file:///path/to/crl.crl" />
        <parameter name="wantClientAuthentication" value="true" />

        <attach uriPattern="" targetClass="org.restlet.example.tutorial.Part12" />

There can be multiple crlUrl parameters. In addition, two other parameters can be set:

  • sslServerAlias, which will use a particular alias from the key store.
  • disableCrl, which should be set to “true” if CRLs are not to be used.

The wantClientAuthentication parameter is handled by this the SslContextFactory, but is often used in conjunction with it.

Example embedded within the program, using two connectors:

Component component = new Component();

Server server1 = component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTPS,
   "host1.example.org", 8083);
Series<Parameter> param1 = server1.getContext().getParameters();


Server server2 = component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTPS,
   "host2.example.com", 8083);
Series<Parameter> param2 = server2.getContext().getParameters();


This example uses two certificates depending on which server connector (and thus which listening socket) is used.