API improvements
Packages restructuring
In order to simplify even more the learning and deployment of Restlet applications, the Restlet API and its implementation (ie. the Restlet Engine) have been merged into a single module (ie. JAR, bundle). All engine classes were moved to org.restlet.engine.
In addition, all extensions are now located under a org.restlet.ext root package. This means that all extensions previously under “com.noelios.restlet.ext” have been moved. Note that some classes from the core Restlet API have been moved to the Restlet Engine such as:
- org.restlet.util.Engine moved to org.restlet.engine.Engine
- org.restlet.util.Helper moved to org.restlet.engine.Helper
- org.restlet.util.ByteUtils moved to org.restlet.engine.io.BioUtils
- org.restlet.util.DateUtils moved to org.restlet.engine.util.DateUtils
Note also, that there were two Spring extensions in Restlet 1.1. Now they are merged under the org.restlet.ext.spring extension.
In order to ensure a cleaner separation between resource and representation artifacts, we have added a new “org.restlet.representation” package and moved all representation classes to it. The “org.restlet.resource” package is now more focused, allowing us to welcome our new resource API and to move in related classes such as Finder and Handler. We have also added a “org.restlet.routing” package where we moved Filter, Redirector and Router related classes.
Root package
The org.restlet.Uniform abstract class has been refactored into an interface with a single handle(Request, Response) method. Its logic has been moved to the org.restlet.Client class. This allows us to leverage it for asynchronous calls, as we already do in the GWT edition.
We moved Message, Request and Response classes from the “org.restlet.data” to the “org.restlet” root package as they are core artifacts of the API used in Uniform interface. Requests and responses can now be aborted, useful to save bandwidth where undesired calls are handled.
In order to support both inbound and outbound routing and filtering of calls for Restlet applications, we have added two properties: “inboundRoot : Restlet” and “outboundRoot : Restlet” to the Application class and deprecated the “root : Restlet” property. This will allow you to easily provide features such as preemptive authentication with the recently added ClientResource class.
The component XML configuration has been extended to support all existing properties and features available in the Java API.
Data package
Nearly all standard HTTP headers are now fully supported by the Restlet API including “Age”, “Authentication-Info”, “Date”, “Expect”, “If-Range”, “Retry-After”, “Via”, “Warning”, and the frequently asked “Cache-Control” header! For a detailled mapping of those headers to the Restlet API, please consult this page of the user guide.
Character sets support was enhanced, fixing an issue with Macintosh and adding new constants in the CharacterSet class for all common ones defined by IANA. Also, the default language used for representation is now dynamically retrieved based on the JVM setting instead of English/US.
Representation package
Added AppendableRepresentation for dynamic generation of StringRepresentation instances.
Resource package
After a long experience with our class-driven Resource API introduced in Restlet 1.0 and the recent introduction of the annotation-driven JAX-RS API (that we support as a special Restlet extension), we felt it was time for us to step-back and propose a better solution, taking the best of both experiences.
We initiated a specification effort in our developers wiki at the beginning of this year, taking into account all the enhancement requests, issues and feed-back made by our community. Here is the overall architecture:
The new design uses three foundation classes (UniformResource, ClientResource and ServerResource) which support just four annotations by default: @Get, @Post, @Put and @Delete. New ones can be defined to support extension methods like @Copy and @Move for WebDAV. Note that the support for annotations can be turned off and is not necessary to develop resources.
This new design provides the best of both worlds, the power and flexibility of Restlet 1.1 and the expressiveness and additional abstraction offered by JAX-RS. In addition, it goes beyond those existing APIs by offering a uniform support for both server and client resources !
The ServerResource class cleanly integrates the annotation-based and method-based call processing : the annotation-based processing extends the usual method-base processing.
ClientResource also support for annotated interfaces via the creation of dynamic proxies. It also automatically follows redirections when possible. Access to the underlying ClientResource instance for dynamic proxies is possible via a ClientProxy interface automatically implemented, like for the GWT edition. Proxies for child or parent resource can also easily be obtained, reusing the current resource like a prototype resource!
Asynchronous call handling is now available on both on the server-side and the client-side. The callback mechanism used was inspired from GWT and is fully consistent with our Restlet edition for GWT, ensuring a greater portability.
Routing package
The “org.restlet.routing” package has been enhanced with new Validator and Extractor filters containing logic found in the new deprecated Route class, replaced with a more specific TemplateRoute class. Those changes should be transparent for most applications using the Router class to attach Restlets and resources using URI templates.
We also moved Template and Variable classes from “org.restlet.util” to “org.restlet.routing” package.
Security package
The refactoring of the Restlet security model has been the most requested change since the Restlet 1.0 release. Fortunately, after a long maturation period, it has finally made a huge step forward, materialized by the addition of an “org.restlet.security” package. The new design is the synthesis of many contributions and discussions from the community. Care has been taken to keep a separation of concern between Components and Applications regarding security.
Security realms now have a lifecycle allowing the initialization from a relational database, a file or a LDAP directory.
The API is also extensible and offers a good foundation for your new security efforts.
Service package
Refactored the services to facilitate the addition of new ones by users in their applications or their components.
The TunnelService now supports “X-HTTP-Method-Override” header.
More powerful ConverterService which can automatically serialize POJOs into XML, JSON and other serialization formats such as regular Java serialization or long term bean persistence. We leverage XStream for automatic XML/JSON marshalling and unmarshalling. Note that the JAX-RS extension now also relies on this improved conversion service! Converters were added for all relevant Restlet extensions, allowing usage of high-level classes in annotated Restlet interfaces for example.